Porsche PopeComment

Quality Time

Porsche PopeComment
Quality Time



Quality time is so important. It’s important for you to have it for yourself. It is also important to spend it with those that you love. Lately with the juggles of the world in order to be intentional about spending quality time with anyone including yourself, it almost needs to be penciled in right? I have also been a person to plan, but I never imagined that I would get so busy that I would need to pencil in quality time. Well, I take that back. When I first begin college I literally would mark certain days on my calendar to call and catch up with certain family members or friends. Oh wait is this not normal? Oh, well anyway let's get back on subject...


For the last couple of years I have had goals every year to implement more quality time. This season has taught me a little something about quality time. Little E started playing soccer about a month ago. He practices once a week and has a game once a week, as long as the weather cooperates. Well I decided that on Wednesdays before soccer practice we would go out to dinner instead of the rush of trying to prepare or reheat dinner for everyone before getting him off to practice. Honestly, I thought that this was just a night off from Mom duties but it became something more magical. Something that more than I could actual pencil in, it was something more organic.

The first night of practice we decided to have dinner at Chic-Fil-A. As I sat down to eat with the littles and listened to them converse, and I had an ah-ha moment! I paused pause and see that quality time could be implemented in the most simplistic way. On normal weeknights, I cook, but I’m not always able to actually sit at the dinner table to actual enjoy a meal. You know because of laundry over here, dogs needing to be walked over there, homework checks, email checks, and ringing phone and the list goes on. I have loved every week sitting with my children after they get out of school to pause and see them, hear them and laugh with them. It's something about being outside of your normal environment that sparks all types of opportunities. My littles are getting so big and I sincerely cherish the moments that I have with them. It really does make me so happy when I can spend time with them and I plan to do it even more.


Quality time can come in the most authentic ways, get out, don’t be so hard on yourself and don’t overthink it Momma!

This look was inspired by this marvel sweatshirt, or sweater I guess you could call it. I’m not much of a graphic top person but this one I knew my son would absolutely love. To make it more ‘Cool Mom Club’ appropriate I added a pop of color with these amazingly versatile fuchsia colored chinos, and metallic gold converse for comfort. This look is the cutest look for hanging with the littles, they would be so proud to show me off to their friends lol! For chilly days I added a cool leather jacket and aztec printed infinity scarf. This is by far one of my favorite looks. I hope it inspires you. Share with me in the comments some ways that you implement quality time into your busy lives.


Outfit Details:

 Top: Marvel; Goodwill

Pants: Target MERONA; Goodwill

Shoes: Converse

Jacket: Baby Phat; Goodwill

Scarf: Target MERONA

Sunglasses: Hot Topic


Photo Credit: dbrown615_photography

Wife, Mother of 👧🏾👦🏾. Influencer | Designer | Stylist | Foodie | Creative Director of Polished Pope Designs, LLC.