- the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
Almost a year and a half ago I worked a job that I depended on heavily for financial security. I knew that it was not the place that God wanted me to be but I was afraid to move. Long story short, November 2015 I was let go after actually receiving “Employee of The Month” the month prior. That day was devastating, scary, and embarrassing. There were no explanations given by my employer and of course I did not have a secured back-up plan, not even financially. I was so nervous on the drive home to tell hubs what had happened.
Everything that I was worried about suppressed itself. When I got home, hubs assured my tears by telling me that everything would be okay. I was able to collect unemployment benefits, and it was my first year enjoying the holidays with my family without all of the hustle and bustle that comes with trying to get to work and trying to find a sitter for the littles during holiday break.
Fast forward, almost exactly a year later I was able to birth my blog December 2016 and this is my fourteenth post! Grateful is an understatement of how I feel today! What God has done for me over the last year has truly been a miracle. The amazing family, friends, and support that I have received have been impeccable. It has taken me so much to get to this point of my life and as I look back I used to think that this was impossible. When I say ‘this’, I mean leaving a place of what I thought was comfort, working on my dreams, and living off of one income. I am a witness that when you truly lean and depend on God and not your own understandings, he makes a way out of what we think is no way.
For years, I remember hearing a small voice inside of my head telling me that there was more for me to do in this life. The voice stated that I have a mission, obligation to myself, my family, friends, and community. I would cry about it because I wasn’t ready for such a huge commitment, and at times it is still a hard pill to swallow. Years before hearing this voice, I remember praying to God and asking him to use me. I wasn’t specific about how I wanted to be used, but I knew that deep down inside I would have a story to tell one day that will impact many.
This last year God has forced me into a position to be still, listen and act strategically. After I was let go from my place of employment, one of my sisters suggested that I keep a gratitude journal. I would journal daily about ten different things that I was grateful for, and none of them could be the same. With God and Gratitude, I have grown to love and find comfort in myself. I have been able to interact more with my children, and be a more supportive spouse. This has been a journey, and it has not been as easy as it may sound. In fact, I am still venturing into this thing as we speak. My story is still in the making, and I am waiting patiently for my time to share it.
My choice of style is often reflected by my mood, and I tend to express that with color. This month with so much gratitude in my heart I was inspired by my favorite Springtime colors. These looks incorporate the colors orange and cobalt blue. Orange speaks to the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation. Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body.
If you are having one of those days where you need a pick-me-up, throw on something orange or cobalt blue. It can be nail polish, an accent scarf or a jeweled accessory to help you feel confident that day. The featured item in this look is my flannel shirt. Flannels are always comfortable to throw on in every season depending on its weight. You can wear it with your sleeves rolled up or tied around your waist; it is an easy and comfortable go to piece. I paired this look with orange skinny chinos and my favorite Converse chucks, or rain boots for those wet days.
Outfit Details:
Shirt: Aeropostale; Goodwill
Pants: New York & Company; Goodwill
Galoshes: Kamik; Goodwill
Shoes: Converse
Watch: Michael Kors
Photo Credit: hypebeast_d
Wife, Mother of 👧🏾👦🏾. Influencer | Designer | Stylist | Foodie | Creative Director of Polished Pope Designs, LLC.